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First Ever Colliding Dwarf Galaxies Uncovered By Massive Black Holes
James Webb Telescope Captures Two Merging Galaxies
Webb Spots Merging Galaxies Around A Quasar
Webb captures stunning image of two galaxies merging
James Webb Unveils Galactic Wonders: “A Journey from Merging Galaxies to Dying Stars”
Merging galaxies in the early Universe
Unveiling the Earliest Galactic Merger: A Groundbreaking Discovery with the James Webb Telescope
How Do Galaxies Embrace? Unveiling the Phenomenon of Merging Galaxies
James Webb Telescope Announces What Lies at the Edge of the Observable Universe
Why James Webb's Cartwheel Galaxy Image is the Most Spectacular Yet | Unveiled
Galaxy Mergers: Past and Present
The Andromeda-Milky Way Collision